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  • PagerDuty
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PagerDuty Source Plugin

Latest: v1.1.2

The CloudQuery PagerDuty plugin extracts PagerDuty resources. It is based on The PagerDuty Go SDK and the PagerDuty REST API.


In order to authenticate with your PagerDuty account, you will need a PagerDuty authorization token. CloudQuery supports two methods of reading the authorization token:

  • From a ~/.pd.yml file, such as:
    authtoken: <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>
  • From an environment variable PAGERDUTY_AUTH_TOKEN.


In order to get started with the PagerDuty plugin, you need to create a YAML file in your CloudQuery configuration directory (e.g. named pagerduty.yml).

The following example sets up the PagerDuty plugin, and connects it to a postgresql destination:

kind: source
  name: "pagerduty"
  path: cloudquery/pagerduty
  version: "v1.1.2" 
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
  tables: ["*"]
