• Docs
  • Plugins
  • Destinations
  • Neo4j
  • Overview

Neo4j Destination Plugin

Latest: v1.0.1

This destination plugin lets you sync data from a CloudQuery source to a Neo4j database.

Supported database (tested) versions (We use the official Neo4j Go driver):

  • Neo4j >= 4.4

As a side note graph databases can be quite useful for various networking use-cases, visualization, for read-teams, blue-teams and more.



This example configures a Neo4j destination, located at bolt://localhost:7687. The (top level) spec section is described in the Destination Spec Reference.

kind: destination
  name: "neo4j"
  registry: "github"
  path: "cloudquery/neo4j"
  version: "v1.0.1"

    connection_string: "bolt://localhost:7687"
    username: "${USERNAME}"
    password: "${PASSWORD}"

Make sure you use environment variable expansion in production instead of committing the credentials to the configuration file directly.

Plugin Spec

This is the (nested) spec used by the Neo4j destination Plugin.

  • connection_string (string, required)

    Connection string to connect to the database. This can be a URL or a DSN, as per official neo4j docs.

    • "bolt://localhost:7687"
    • "neo4j://localhost:7687"
  • username (string, required)

    Username to connect to the database.

  • password (string, required)

    Password to connect to the database.