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  • Plugins
  • Destinations
  • GCS
  • Overview

GCS (Google Cloud Storage) Destination Plugin

Latest: v1.0.2

This destination plugin lets you sync data from a CloudQuery source to remote GCS (Google Cloud Storage) storage in various formats such as CSV, JSON.

This is useful in various use-cases, especially in data lakes where you can query the data direct from Athena or load it to various data warehouses such as BigQuery, RedShift, Snowflake and others.


This example configures a GCS destination, to create CSV files in gcs://bucket_name/path/to/files. Note that the GCS plugin only supports append write-mode.

The (top level) spec section is described in the Destination Spec Reference.

kind: destination
  name: "gcs"
  path: "cloudquery/gcs"
  version: "v1.0.2"
  write_mode: "append" # gcs only supports 'append' mode

    bucket: "bucket_name"
    path: "path/to/files"
    format: "csv"

GCS Spec

This is the (nested) spec used by the CSV destination Plugin.

  • bucket (string) (required)

    Bucket where to sync the files.

  • path (string) (required)

    Path to where the files will be uploaded in the above bucket.

  • format (string) (required)

    Format of the output file. json and csv are supported.