• Docs
  • Plugins
  • Destinations
  • SQLite
  • Overview

SQLite Destination Plugin

Latest: v1.1.3

This destination plugin lets you sync data from a CloudQuery source to a SQLite database. This can be useful for local data exploration as no other database or service is required.

Example Config

This is a basic configuration that will save all your sync resources to db.sql.

kind: destination
  name: sqlite
  path: cloudquery/sqlite
  version: "v1.1.3"
    connection_string: ./db.sql

After running cloudquery sync, you can explore the data locally with the SQLite CLI: sqlite ./db.sql.

SQLite Spec

This is the top level spec used by the SQLite destination Plugin.

  • connection_string (string) (required)

    path to a file. such as ./mydb.sql