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Cloudflare Source Plugin

Latest: v3.0.0

The CloudQuery Cloudflare plugin pulls configuration out of Cloudflare resources.


In order to fetch information from Cloudflare, cloudquery needs to be authenticated. There are a few options for authentication:

  • Export the CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN environment variable before running cloudquery sync.
  • Export the CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL and CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY environment variables before running cloudquery
  • Specifying either the api_token or api_email, api_key parameters in the YAML configuration (See Configuration for more details).

Query Examples

Find all zones with dev_mode enabled

SELECT id, account_id, host_name, name, original_ns FROM cloudflare_zones WHERE dev_mode = true;

Find all DNS records

SELECT id, account_id, zone_id, name, type FROM cloudflare_dns_records;